Track your shipments in real time, regardless of the carrier
Visualise all your shipments and manage your deliveries, regardless of your partner. Anticipate and manage incidents.
Automated feedback of carrier trackings
Connect your carriers to Shiptify and benefit from automated tracking information without any IT development on your part.
Alerts in case of delays or anomalies
You are notified in real time of any incident or anomaly encountered on your shipments, either by email or on your dashboard.
Feedback of the follow-up in your ERP
With Shiptify APIs, you can upload all the necessary transport information in real time to your ERP system, and cross-reference it with your other business data.
Real time visibility on your shipments
Centralise the tracking of all your shipments, regardless of the carrier used. You can share this tracking with the different departments involved in the transport, and even with your customers.
Connection to geolocation technologies
Whether you want to track your containers or your trucks, benefit from geolocation technologies pre-connected to Shiptify without any development on your part.
Sharing tracking with your customers
Give your customers the visibility of the best ecommerce sites. If needed, they can even interact with you and your carriers on Shiptify.
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